Project Background
Left Handing Brewing Company is one of the most iconic craft breweries in the country (and happens to be 40 minutes down the road from our ROXBOX headquarters), so we could not have been more excited when they approached us about creating a custom shipping container bar concept for their new beer garden. From the get go Left Hand knew what they wanted, an eye-catching, durable centerpiece to their new space that could serve their famous craft beers and beverages all year long. Enter Big Red, a 40 foot shipping container bar with all of the functionality and equipment of a full taproom.
We took this project from “napkin-sketch” through our four-phase shipping container design process – design and analysis in Phase 1, fully stamped and approved plans through the modular program in Phase 2, complete build-out at our Denver facility in Phase 3, and delivery + install on-site in Phase 4.

Specs & Modifications
- 40’ High-Cube one-trip container
- 10’ walk-in cooler that holds 20+ kegs
- Cooler entry from the person-door inside the bar and from the container doors outside the bar
- Custom pipe-tap with 8 taps utilizing a glycol system
- Electrical, lights & plumbing
- Person-door employee entry
- Custom signage and branding
- Three customer windows with retractable awnings and stainless steel countertops (one ADA compliant customer window)
- Additional back bar customer window with awning and sliding windows
- Custom back bar equipment, including: two refrigerators, hand sink, cabinets, and stainless countertop
- Certified modular building with the State of Colorado
Left Hand originally reached out to ROXBOX about the project in 2019, but plans were stalled due to the pandemic. The project picked up the pace again in early 2021 with a finish date of early August so the beer garden could open for summer. ROXBOX began designing the container in January 2021, working hand-in-hand with the LeftHand team to create their custom 40’ BeerCan.
In Phase 1, our team outlined and designed every detail of the build, including: exterior color, signage, beer and tap system design and location, window and door placement, location of bar equipment, etc. With design and Phase 1 completed, we took the project into Phase 2 and developed stamped plans to submit to the Colorado modular program. Our team worked with architects and engineers, alongside the State of Colorado, to get stamped and approved plans for the permanent modular structure. Then the fun part – Phase 3 and building out the unit. Once all of the materials were received, it took us 43 days to complete this build (including modular inspections). We delivered the final product and completed a small amount of on-site work in late July 2021, more than enough time for Left Hand’s beer garden grand opening party on August 14th!
Project Development
If you are interested in learning more about the Left Hand BeerCan, our bar & taproom line of shipping containers modifications, or any of our other products and builds, click here to contact our team or visit our website (